Wednesday, May 06, 2009

What the big 4 banks are up to on Twitter

To twitter or not to twitter?

Westpac, nab, ANZ are there. And recent media coverage on Commonwealth shows it is definitely monitoring the site.

As a Westpac customer, I’d follow them on twitter; alas, it’s not to be. While Westpac is following nab on twitter, its own updates are protected, meaning no one can follow them unless they are approved by Westpac.

However, you have to credit ANZ. They’ve developed something really useful; a budget planner tweet that follows more people than it has following it. Sounds like a bank that is keen to listen as well as it talks!

Not only does anzmoneymanager interact well with it’s mostly Gen Y target market, it also delivers a valuable, free online service. More importantly, for financial services industry sceptics to note, the ANZ twitter presence delivers leads to another site,, as well as ‘buzz’.

The author and her firm are not currently engaged by any of the brands mentioned.

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